OPEN 5 September, 2022 - CLOSE 20 March, 2023
The programme committee welcomes new and original research and/or programmes or story telling for the submission of presentations in the area of adaptive physical activity at ISAPA2023.
Oral presentations are to be presented in English, however exceptions may be permissible please email the organisers to discuss. EMAIL
Poster presentation must be written in English.
Health & wellbeing
Sports performance
Inclusion in education, sport and physical activity
Disability and active recreation, leisure and rehabilitation
Innovation in adaptive physical activity research and practice
- Research/programmes outside these themes will also be considered.
Presentation type (as determined by the programme committee)
Practical workshop (30 - 90minutes)
Oral presentation (15minutes with 5minutes Q&A)
Poster presentation during the lunch breaks (5minute presentation with Q&A)
PLEASE NOTE: If your submission does not fit into the 'style' of presentation noted above, please indicate this, and explain your plan of delivery within in your submission.
Important Dates
EXTENDED Submissions close 20 March 2023
Notification of submission 1 April 2023
Early Bird registration rates end 1 April 2023
Papers should be no more than 250 words, not including title/authors/affiliations, but including tables.
Your abstract should use the following formats and sent as an email attachment:
Font size 10
1.15 line spacing
Left aligned
Title of Paper should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Write the title in bold and in CAPITALS.
Name of presenter should be underlined, authors should be superscripted (Ctrl Shift +) after last name e.g., J. Smith1
Affiliations/Organisations should be in Italics superscripts included for different organisations at the beginning of the name e.g., 1University of Otago
The abstract should include:
A concise and explanatory title
Statement including purpose, methods (including design, population, and analysis), results and implications.
WORD TEMPLATE download, complete, save and attach to your submission
Submit by clicking the submit button